The Guernsey Employment Trust has produced the following charter which provides employers in Guernsey with practical information, good practice and guidance.
Employers’ Disability Charter: Guidance for Employers
The Charter will enable employers to provide tangible evidence that they are working towards taking positive action and developing initiatives that will enable more disabled people to access employment opportunities in Guernsey. The development of a Charter is also intended to help disabled job applicants identify employers that have made positive commitments regarding the treatment of disabled people within recruitment, training and retention processes, and have sought to raise disability awareness within their organisations.
Download CharterSign up to the Charter
Contact Guernsey Employment Trust if your organisation wishes to sign up to the Charter.
Sign upCharter Members
Asset Risk Consultants Limited
Association of Guernsey Charities
Bailiwick of Guernsey Victim Support and Witness Service
Canaccord Genuity Wealth (International) Limited
Channel Islands Co-operative, Guernsey
Earlswood Garden Centre Limited
Guernsey Disability Alliance (GDA) LBG
Lloyds Bank International (Guensey)
Robus Risk Services (Guernsey) Limited